Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Worst Tattoos in the History of Tattoos

I've seen some pretty bad tattoos in my life, but there's one that i just can't understand.  Gucci mane's face tattoo.  

This tattoo pictured above is Gucci Mane's face tattoo.  As you can see it doesn't look good whatsoever.  I sometimes stay up at night wondering how Gucci Mane gets girls.  One must simply ask who would date this man?

The answer is no one because he's so damn ugly with his stupid face tattoo.  It's an ice-cream cone with some lightning bolts and it says Brrr.  It doesn't get much worse than that.

This next tattoo could possibly top Gucci Manes face ice cream but i don't know. This dude got some rainbow suspenders tatted on him.  He continued the tattoo onto his thumbs to make the tattoo even more ridiculous.

What was going through this dudes mind!?  he definitely should've trimmed up his happy trail a little bit before this photo.

I don't know how i feel about this guy.  He kind of reminds me of a hipster.  This dude has got to be a hipster straight up.  No other kind of person would get something so stupid.

I have nothing else to say about these dumb tattoos.  I just wanted you all to realize how stupid these are.  If your going to do this kind of thing to yourself at least get something good.

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