Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Ugliest Fish in the Sea

     Every now and then you see a fish and your like damn that's an ugly fish.  It's a proven fact that some fish are just nasty looking and kind of scary.  For example, lake fish, fish from lake erie are questionable and sketchy.

     I made up this pretty awesome list of the ugliest fish in the world.  These are some damn ugly fish so embrace YO self.

5.)  While i was doing my research i came across a whole new species of sharks.  I don't know much about the species.  They are pretty rare-ish.

4.) I think you guys can figure out why this is on the list.

3.)  This fish lives in deep waters and is easily spotted out by the large bump on his head.  This guy takes the number three spot for his big ass chin, his depressed look and the overly large bump on his head.  This is the kind of fish children get scared of.  

2.)  Don't be deceived by the vibrant colors on this next fish.  He looks like he could die at any minute.  And let me tell you about this dude, he looks like he's harmless but you've heard the saying don't judge a book by its cover.  He's hella dangerous and he'll bite the hell out of you because he's a territorial little douche.  

1.)  I don't know what happened to this thing.

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