Friday, May 10, 2013

Why Mr. Arra's Class Was Awesome

     Anyone that is going to be reading this has taken journalism with Mr. Arra, and I would have to think that a majority of the people that have taken it kind of enjoyed the class.  Yes, saying you enjoy school isn't normal, but come one this class isn't too bad.  I had fun during this class many times and it wasn't ever a class I dreaded going to.
     I would have to say that one of the better things about this class was newspaper day.  Who doesn't love going to a class to read a newspaper and talk with your friends.  Especially on a Friday too.  It was a nice end of the week break.

All the time spent on the computers, it was so much better than sitting in a classroom the entire time.  Although we had papers, reviews and blogs to do all the time in the lab made it easy to finish.  Which meant we never really had homework.  
     Mr. Jeff Arra himself, another reason the class was a good time.  Obviously he has a sense of humor as you can see above, he was always in a good mood and he wasn't boring.  It's not good to have a boring teacher, they just cause you to fall asleep and not learn.  I was always interested in Arra's class.  I think it would be impossible to sleep in a class taught by Arra.  Except for Pierson, he didn't have trouble with that but i think he can sleep anywhere.  

    In conclusion I would like to say that Mr. Arra did a good job teaching, he had a fun class and it will be one of the better memories of Avon Lake High School for me.  Maybe after i graduate he'll follow me on twitter.  Now wouldn't that be awesome 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Counting Down the Best Drawings of the Queen of England

      We all know her, Queen Elizabeth II, a great leader and quite an old woman.  Boy is she interesting.  But anyways i thought of doing this blog on the best drawings of her.  I'll even rate them for you.

     6.)  I feel that this drawing is bland.  It's too normal, too boring.  The artist should've stepped up his game on this one.

5.)  This artist put good detail into the face.  It looks somewhat like her.  You can tell he was really trying hard to produce a good image, but he just fell a little short.  

4.)  The queen sure does have a beautiful smile no doubt about that and this artist did a good job with showing that.  This one receives the number four spot.  The queen as so many different styles of hat.  It's a different hat in every damn photo.  

3.)  I wasn't really feeling this drawing.  I thought it kind of looked more like Napoleon or George Washington or something.  But the overly large teeth make this picture funny.

2.)  I know this one isn't a drawing but get over it.  Whoever did this showed the world the powers of Photoshop and it's hilarious.  Her extremely old age is shrinking her face.

1.) lol

You have to admit it was a pretty funny picture.  
                  Love Always,

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Why Do Cardigans Have Five Buttons?

I'm wearing a cardigan today and i thought of a question about them.

Why do cardigans have five buttons?
WHY do CARDIGANS have FIVE buttons?
why DO cardigans HAVE five BUTTONS?
wHy dO CaRdiGanS HaVe fIvE BuTtOnS?
?snottub evif evah snagidrac od yhW
Why do cardigans have five buttons?
WhY Do CarDiGaNs HavE FiVe ButtOns?

Why do cardigans have five buttons?
WHY do CARDIGANS have FIVE buttons?
why DO cardigans HAVE five BUTTONS?
wHy dO CaRdiGanS HaVe fIvE BuTtOnS?
?snottub evif evah snagidrac od yhW
Why do cardigans have five buttons?
WhY Do CarDiGaNs HavE FiVe ButtOns?
WhY Do CarDiGaNs HavE FiVe ButtOns?

Why do cardigans have five buttons?
WHY do CARDIGANS have FIVE buttons?
why DO cardigans HAVE five BUTTONS?
wHy dO CaRdiGanS HaVe fIvE BuTtOnS?
?snottub evif evah snagidrac od yhW

?snottub evif evah snagidrac od yhW
Why do cardigans have five buttons?
WhY Do CarDiGaNs HavE FiVe ButtOns?

Why do cardigans have five buttons?
WHY do CARDIGANS have FIVE buttons?
why DO cardigans HAVE five BUTTONS?
wHy dO CaRdiGanS HaVe fIvE BuTtOnS?
?snottub evif evah snagidrac od yhW
Why do cardigans have five buttons?
WhY Do CarDiGaNs HavE FiVe ButtOns?

WhY Do CarDiGaNs HavE FiVe ButtOns?

Just think about it.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Ugliest Fish in the Sea

     Every now and then you see a fish and your like damn that's an ugly fish.  It's a proven fact that some fish are just nasty looking and kind of scary.  For example, lake fish, fish from lake erie are questionable and sketchy.

     I made up this pretty awesome list of the ugliest fish in the world.  These are some damn ugly fish so embrace YO self.

5.)  While i was doing my research i came across a whole new species of sharks.  I don't know much about the species.  They are pretty rare-ish.

4.) I think you guys can figure out why this is on the list.

3.)  This fish lives in deep waters and is easily spotted out by the large bump on his head.  This guy takes the number three spot for his big ass chin, his depressed look and the overly large bump on his head.  This is the kind of fish children get scared of.  

2.)  Don't be deceived by the vibrant colors on this next fish.  He looks like he could die at any minute.  And let me tell you about this dude, he looks like he's harmless but you've heard the saying don't judge a book by its cover.  He's hella dangerous and he'll bite the hell out of you because he's a territorial little douche.  

1.)  I don't know what happened to this thing.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Worst Tattoos in the History of Tattoos

I've seen some pretty bad tattoos in my life, but there's one that i just can't understand.  Gucci mane's face tattoo.  

This tattoo pictured above is Gucci Mane's face tattoo.  As you can see it doesn't look good whatsoever.  I sometimes stay up at night wondering how Gucci Mane gets girls.  One must simply ask who would date this man?

The answer is no one because he's so damn ugly with his stupid face tattoo.  It's an ice-cream cone with some lightning bolts and it says Brrr.  It doesn't get much worse than that.

This next tattoo could possibly top Gucci Manes face ice cream but i don't know. This dude got some rainbow suspenders tatted on him.  He continued the tattoo onto his thumbs to make the tattoo even more ridiculous.

What was going through this dudes mind!?  he definitely should've trimmed up his happy trail a little bit before this photo.

I don't know how i feel about this guy.  He kind of reminds me of a hipster.  This dude has got to be a hipster straight up.  No other kind of person would get something so stupid.

I have nothing else to say about these dumb tattoos.  I just wanted you all to realize how stupid these are.  If your going to do this kind of thing to yourself at least get something good.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Banana Art

Banana art is pretty much the next up and coming thing. Bananas are good, art is okay and they combine to be the coolest art ever.

As seen to the left this banana Jesus combines banana and peanut butter to make a cool ass banana Jesus. It's honestly a pretty awesome banana Jesus. I would pay a couple bucks for it.

Banana art gets even more in depth then just the Jesus banana. The Jesus banana doesn't haven't anything on this next banana you are going to see. I'm not sure about the official name, but I call this piece horse bananas.

As you can see below horse bananas is a piece of artwork reflecting the natural beauty of the banana. The carvings really bring out the yellow in the innards of the banana. Yellow horses, now that's art.

There are no official museums that display banana art. Probably because bananas rot real fast which leads me to the conclusion that banana art is cool but useless. It'll be rotten in a matter of days and thats just stupid.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Did Justin Bieber Cause 9/11?

Every one has heard of the pop sensation Justin Beaver these days.  Girls go nuts for this guy.  They think he's a cute dude with a nice smile, but is there a little evil behind this guy?

I did some research and formed a conspiracy as to how Justin Bieber contributed to the 9/11 attacks.  Before i get into that you guys should know that he is proven to be a member of al Qaeda.  I have seen him in multiple pictures taking part in terrorist activities.

As you can clearly see in this picture Justin is posing with an al Qaeda robe and a pink turban.  This isn't something you would just wear around if you were casually in the United States.

Upon further research i found out that he is a member of a large Mexican drug cartel.  This cartel was responsible for the assassinations of Abraham Lincoln and JFK.  Needless to say they are a rough crowd to hang around with.

It's obvious that Bieber is working with al Qaeda to brainwash the nation.  If your are a "Belieber or have "Bieber Fever" then you need to see the terrorist doctor because he's trying to brainwash you.  Bieber released plans in an interview in which he planned to turn all his fans into a whole new generation of terrorist.

I did some research on his past history and found out that he joined the al Qaeda people in early 2001 at the age of seven years old.  Am i the only one that thinks this is suspicious?  I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he knew Osama Bin Laden.  This is serious stuff.

If your getting sucked in by those eyes then i wish you luck in the future.  Please be cautious when listening the the Beaver.

        Love Always,

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My Top Ten favorite Words Of All Time

I decided that I was going to sit down and figure out my favorite words that I use. So I did. I use a wide variety of words in my vocabulary but these ones are the absolute best.

1. The F word
Lets be honest. I use it so much and you can put it in any damn sentence. Literally there isn't one sentence ever spoken that you couldn't slide the F word into. It just has so many different uses.

2. Dank
Dank is just one of those words that will be used for the rest of my life. Let me put it into a sentence for you
"Yo tony let me get some of that pasta salad"
"I got you, this is some dank pasta salad"

3. Whack
I've found whack to be used the most to describe crazy females. I'll be minding my business and out of nowhere some crazy chick calls me up and starts her complaining and I'm just like "Listen here woman, you're a whack ass girl, shut your mouth."

4. Teflon don
It just sounds like a real "playa" would say this word.

5. Nipple tassel

6. Armadillo
The word flows off of the tongue and on top of that the animals are just straight up cool.

7. Merica
Where the land is free and the tea is sweet

8. Triskabob
This has always been one of my favorite words because it involves Triska, and shish-kabobs. Just a straight classic.

9. Ratchet
It can be used to describe anything pretty much. A girl can be ratchet, a building can be ratchet. For example "why are there so many ratchet females in this ratchet building!!!"

10. Gucci

What should've happened at the Boston tea party

The Boston tea party was a complex event that occurred in history. Pretty much the only that occurred during this event was tea was dumped into the water. It really pissed off the British. They dumped hella tea into the water.
What they could have done was hired the Native Americans to do it. If they had hired the native Americans the British probably would've evacuated the country ASAP. These native Americans are some crazy dudes. I read one time that they would skin people's heads and all this crazy stuff. They could've skinned some dudes and infected the tea with skinned forehead skin. If I were put in that situation I would leave. I wouldn't think about it at all. I'd hop up on my boat and sail that thing back to England. And that's how it should've went.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Sea Turtles and Beluga Whales

The thing with sea turtles and beluga whales is that they're both pretty cool animals.  I've always loved to see a good beluga whale or sea turtle and here's why.  Sea turtles are cool, they live to be like 500.  They've got the life expectancy of a damn dinosaur.  A dinosaur that lived long.  They're little green tanks when it comes to age.  I bet you wish you could live to be old as all hell.  I sure do.  They can also hold their breath for a really long time and they swim fast.  Sea turtles are definitely about that sea life.  Beluga whales are the 14th coolest animal on this planet.  Hands down.  They have cool faces, they look like tom cruise whales and i love it.

I had some questions about how these animals breathe under water so i did some research and it's all in the blow hole.  The blow hole is often referred as "the butt-hole of the head."  As you can clearly see in this picture.

Another feature of beluga whales that people love to see is the pearly white skin which gently caress's the organs and reproductive systems of the whale.  It looks like snow, or ice cream or a white T shirt.   It's some cream on the inside, clean on the outside type skin.  Their eyes are so little that they look kind of Asian.  But i think that makes them cool too.  I mean pretty much if you do not like beluga whales or sea turtles then you aren't about "dat" life.